Have a Beautiful Weekend. | Cup of Jo

What are you up to this weekend? I’m excited to see this musical. Any other plays you’d recommend? “Oh, Mary!” looks incredible. (The New York Times called it “one of the best crafted and most exactingly directed Broadway comedies in years.”) Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web…

LOVE the wash of these jeans.

Do I really need a toilet? And other questions you can’t believe you ask yourself when looking for a NYC apartment. (NYT gift link)

A white spaghetti pie!

What makes friendship breakups hurt so much? “So much about friendship goes unspoken. It’s what makes the good ones, frankly, kind of magical: There’s no formal agreement tying you two together except the fact that you like each other.” (NYMag)

Clare Vivier’s house is full of stripes.

All my fashion friends are wearing this nail polish color.

Have you played the online word game Alphaguess? Each guess reveals where the word sits alphabetically.

Ooh, what great photos of bike riders on the Williamsburg Bridge.

The brown stem rule for picking apples.


And today’s Big Salad issue features my gorgeous friend Gisela Gueiros, who shares her favorite green bag, tip for parenting twins, and cool way to hang art at home.

Plus, two reader comments:

Says Sarah on 5 fun things I noticed around Brooklyn: “Enjoying this season as a cross-country mom to my very introverted freshman who is trying new things! I have to restrain myself from hugging each kid as they finish the race. Also, specifically: driving home from tonight’s race, the big Midwestern sky after a rain with the sun setting, my teens in the backseat singing along to the radio, with my husband driving. Soaking up these last few years all together and telling myself the sage advice from Kurt Vonnegut: ‘If this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.’”

Says Rose on a fall playlist: “I just turned on this playlist up and opened the windows allll the way. Partly to see if there are any other CoJ readers in my neighborhood.”

(Photo by Darina Kopcok/Stocksy.)

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